A Day of Progress


Ok, so today has been a day of working on this webpage and I actually made some progress! I had a glitch or two in my stylesheet that I couldn't figure out last night. Those issues are now resolved. I also hated the way I had a pile of files meant to be this site so I got those organized in a way that makes sense to me. Some minor league cosmetic things were changed along the way too.

My big thing today though was learning a little about RSS and getting the feed written for this site. Or, maybe I should say, written as far as the contents of this site will allow at this point. Somewhere along the way I have written an RSS file before but it has been a long time. It is actually much simpler than I remember and I now have a template for adding items to the feed.

Every bit of this is being done by hand with a text editor. It is not that I am a glutton for punishment, I want to do this the simplest way possible and I want to know all the ins-and-outs of my own site. The text editor is the best way to do this. I should also add that this site lives on my computer and is vetted before it is uploaded.

This site will mostly consist of items that can be created and or manipulated in an editor. Because this is a website it will only consist of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, RSS and SVG files. HTML is the document itself. CSS files are used to make the document pretty. JavaScript is programming language and is used for various purposes on a website. RSS is a way to distribute your document without your readers having to view your site each day. SVG is a text created image.

Easy peasy.
