

The other day I wrote a rather long rant that was about the reasons why I am doing this. Upon rereading it last night I came to the conclusion that it really is incoherent drivel. So I am rewriting it right now. For those that happened to see the pre-production of this I apologize for this but I need to write something better.

Main Event

The dream that was the internet has died. The internet was dreamed up to be a nuclear war proof communication system for the government that was decentralized. Even if one node went down it would still work. Civilians got ahold of it and added to the dream. The internet became not only a decentralized communications network but a haven for democracy, openness, and some creativity.

The internet operated that way for quite a few years. Slowly but surely, a few tech companies began to realize the potential of monetizing the net. This too began to happen. In time a few big tech companies essentially seized control of the internet and the web and transformed it into a centralized totalitarian state with few freedoms.

This web site is a protest against that.

Several years ago I was talking with a friend and he said that "X, Y, and Z should happen in social media and then everything will be roses and unicorn farts. I was in a snarky mood that day and said something to the effect that what needed to happen was that everyone needed to get a personal website, use RSS to follow each other, and use email for communication and file transfers. Then, I said, everything will be roses and unicorn farts.

It took me a few years to realize the beauty of my snarky comment. It took me a while to see that it was a decentralized system and that it was democratic, open, and would allow for creativity. Now I am a believer and am putting my mouth where my money is.

I will not try to explain all of the vision in this article. It will take me several articles to get it all sorted out in my brain and written out for you.

What you need to know for know is:

  • This site and all contents by me are Copyright © 2023 by James D. Morgan and is licensed CC-BY 4.0. That means you can use it as long as you tell folks that it is mine.
  • This site will only use Open formats
  • This is a personal web site which means I may write on just about anything.
  • I NEITHER WANT NOR COLLECT ANY OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION, except maybe your email address so I can respond to you if you write me.

On a personal note let me thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy what you see here.
