It Got Cold Here

Currently reading: Lindbergh by A. Acott Berg
Currently binging: Still on James Bond movies
Current music genre: Bluegrass

Got Cold Here

Just all of a sudden it got cold and rainy here. We were sunny and in the 70s on Friday and Saturday and right now we are at 37 and rainy. I really don't mind winter weather but the sudden shift in temps is kind of jarring to my body anymore. I guess that I am too old for it. My joints are aching something severe today.


Friday night I went to bed about 10PM and woke up around 9AM on Saturday. Saturday night I went to bed around 11PM and I woke up this morning at 10:46AM. About an hour an half ago I laid down and took a nap and just woke up a few minutes ago because my shoulder hurt. The only other times in my life I have gotten that much sleep in so short a time I have been sick with something.

I must be more exhausted than I thought. There is a lot of chaos in my professional life with the potential sale of my workplace and that is worrying me. I also have a few things that need to change in my personal life that are causing me some anxiety.

I guess I needed the rest but I kind of feel like a zombie today.

Looking to change how this page works

I think that I would really like to change how this website works. What I envision is writing an article in Markdown, uploading it to github, and have the thing automagically appear somewhere else as this website. Is there some sort of app/program/gadget that can do this?

Changed my mind... again

Another couple of days last week playing around on Mastodon proved to me futility of playing around too much there. I will check in and see if my friends are trying to get in contact with me and the feed for this site should bounce over there in time but other than that I am pretty much done with it. It is just too much like any other social media site now.

I think that pretty much covers today's news. I am kind of groggy and out of it and can't think of anything else that needs to be said for now. Thank y'all for stopping by and feel free to comment with the "Reply via Email" button below.

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