Cleaned the RSS reader

Currently reading: A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar
Currently binging: James Bond movies
Current music genre: Coffeehouse

Finally, after several months of threatening to do so I have cleaned out the feed reader of all politics, philosophy, religion and other associated fluff. I still follow the feeds for some of the products that I use and a couple of the bigger "commercial-type" feeds that I have been following for many years now.

After cleaning out the feed I scoured the folks I follow on Mastodon looking for the blogs of my already friends and found a couple of other feeds that look sort of interesting. I am still on a quest for other interesting feeds. I am really interested in personal blogs. You know the ones where people talk about whatever or whatever is going on in their lives. The whole "let me promote my own agenda" blogs are too much for me these days. I like things to be quieter and more real. It is more important for me to hear about a person taking their three year old to the barber (a real blog post I read last Sunday) than to read an opinion about some war or some politician.

I found out that there is a name for those of us who more or less reject social media and keep websites, use RSS, and communicate by email. I was thinking I would call it "old skool" internetting but, seemingly, the hashtag #smolweb applies to this. So I guess that I am a smolwebber? That looks silly in print.

If that is what I am in then so be it. I am enjoying the quiet and the honesty and the reality of the so-called smolweb.

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