Simple Times

Currently reading: A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar
Currently binging: James Bond movies

So the other day I signed into an old Mastodon account that I never got around to deleting in my rage-quitting against (anti)social media a few months ago. It is actually getting to be fun now that I have eliminated all the people who have nothing but news/politics/religion/sexual-orientation/some-other-bullshit-idealistic reason for being on social media. It is nice to pare down the timeline to where it is people talking to people. I may stick around for a while. I was missing some of these folks and want to stay in touch.

Parenthetically, after a disappointing day yesterday of trying to do something different with how I make this blog and RSS feed, I have decided that I will just keep doing what I am doing. It is easy and comfortable, kind of like and old shoe. After getting very little actually accomplished yesterday, except for the headache that comes from trying to relearn Emacs and all of it's weirdness, I decided that what I was doing is working just fine and I will keep doing it.

I will keep doing it the way I have been doing it with one or two provisos, namely:

I have also set a doohickey (please pardon the technical term) for sending the feed for this site to my Mastodon timeline. I found one person's blog through this sort of setup the other day and I really enjoyed his post. It was just a personal post about taking his kid to the barber. Nice, clean, simple, personal, and real.

Nice, clean, simple, personal, and real. Yeah, that is the internet that I want to be a part of. That is the internet that I want to see. That is the internet that I am, hopefully, helping to create.

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