Shout Outs

Currently reading: Dune by Frank Herbert
Currently binging: Unxplained with Captain Kirk

From time to time I get an email with some interesting comments and/or links that further some point that I made in some post. I plan to give them some acknowledgment when I found something they said or sent was particularly cool to me.

From b2e

Starting us off today is my friend b2e whom I met in the Fediverse world a few years ago. He sent me three or four links a couple of week ago by email. (I do read the emails and generally respond to them, even if it takes me a day or two to do so.) His first link was to The Experiences of People Running Mastodon Servers Suggests a Bumpy Road Ahead. Now I did enjoy this article and it reenforces my thoughts about the "roll your own" movement within the various Fediverse factions. Namely, that it doesn't scale for poop and it will end up costing you a ton of money to run one. But tucked into the article is a little stat about the internet actually consuming roughly 10% of the world's electricity right now. Let that sink into your noggin for a minute. Maybe destroying the internet will be good for the environment. Second, on his list is Finding "The Internet" Toxic and Depressing? Consider Leaving Your Walled Garden. The article is about what one would expect from the title. It is also why some of us chose to go the personal website route. Thirdly, b2e sent me a link to The Cheapskates links page.I found a few neat things buried in there that were worth reading.

from Starbreaker

Our new friend starbreaker, click the link and read his book. I'll wait for you to get back... Go on, it is ok...

Oh, you're back already? Great! Starbreaker sent me two link that were related to my post about the Unknown Warrior. Both links connect to the Arlington National Cemetery's website. The first is about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the second is specifically about the Civil War Unknowns. Both were fascinating links and there are also some PDFs that can be downloaded and a video to watch if you so desire.

from Brad Taunt

The next one wasn't actually sent to me but I bumped into it, agreed with it and like it. Brad Taunt has a personal website that is primarily about tech stuff and he has an article titled Stop Using Hamburger Menus (Sometimes). I love this article. One of the things I hate about 95% of the websites out there is that they all look the same like they were cutout with cookie cutters. Jimminey crimus! Do something different than a flipping hamburger menu with three dang grid boxes underneath it. Do something creative for crying out loud! Well, do not listen to me rant. Go read his. It is better than mine and I plan to implement his "Sitemap footer" idea as soon as I figure out if it is better looking than my "Sitemap header."

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