Having Nasty Thoughts


So for the past several weeks I have been working my feed reader for fun. I have been trying to find the right balance of sites to read. You know, not too many right-wing or left-wing politics. I've been trying to balance my news sources and trying to follow sites that post interesting articles from a variety of viewpoints.

I've been trying to avoid the internet echo chamber and the slow creep of confirmation bias in the the stuff that I read. What I have ended up with is a bunch of sites that post a bunch of articles everyday that I am not really reading much more than the titles of.

Since I have started this website I have discovered many people who like me use a website, RSS feed reader, and email as our social medium. Most of them seem to be like me and are tired of the social media world. They write personal websites and do not worry too much about the perpetual flame war that is social media these days. It is a redeaux of the internet of circa 1995. Slow, easy, organic, and simple.

Today's nasty thought is to ditch all the detritus from my feed reader and only follow people that have adopted this internet social paradigm and the websites of products that I actually use or really believe in. This should slow things down enough for me to be able to keep up with the posts and keep me well informed about the stuff that matters.

I haven't made a decision yet but I really am leaning more towards slow, easy, organic, and simple like I said above. Too much of the web is just insane and I (and probably you) want to take a small hiatus from the noise.

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