A Quick Update


It has been a while since I have posted anything at all here. Life has been hectic, to put it mildly, and just about all of my "internetting" has either been work related or over email/RSS the last few days.

I have chosen ot implement a couple of changes on the site. I have added a "posted date" to the post. If I ever write a solution to a problem it might be a good idea to have a date on there so that people won't be looking at my post as a solution to a problem 15 years from now. Hat tip to Kev Quirk for this one. I also like Kev's "reply via email" link so I stole that one too. This will be a test post of that feature to see if I remember how to do it.

I think I am going to change the "Other Tinkers and Thinkers" category on the links page to the more traditional "Blogroll." I have added a couple of people into this Hall of Fame. Some of the other people that I read have blogrolls of their own and I am scouring their rolls for interesting people to follow and harass.

Other than that I have no big thoughts today or at least not much that I want to take the time to write about yet. It has been a busy couple of months for me and hopefully things will slowdown to a dull roar soon. Then I hope to produce the content that I actually intended to for this site.

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