Been Busy

This is a personal post and not really what I intend to write about but it is high time that I post something even if it is not what I plan for this website. I have been exceptionally busy the last couple of weeks.

First, we had a family reunion down in Houston over Memorial Day weekend. For my non-US readers, Memorial Day is the last monday in May. It is holiday to honour our war dead. Houston is roughly an eight hour drive from our home. So, I had two days of driving out of a four day weekend.

Secondly, we had a couple of family members end up in the hospital after the holiday. They are fine now, or at least on the mend.

Thirdly, I bought a truck on my way home from the reunion. We had delivery plans for the truck but due to the hospital stays of family mentioned above those plans went kaput. We ended up flying to Houston, picking up the truck, and driving it back home in the space of 24 hours the very next weekend.

Fourthly, my boss ended up going to the hospital for a grand total of eight days. So I was left in the dubious position of running the shop for a few days.

And finally, I had a friend and mentor pass away this week.

To say the least of it I have been very busy the last couple of weeks. I think things are calming down and I'll get back to keeping this up a little better.
